Tuesday July 23rd, 2024

"It Is Not A Question of Who Is Right Or Wrong But What Is Right Or Wrong That Counts."
--Geoff Metcalf
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World & Nation

Secret Service Director Cheatle Resigns Over Trump Shooting

                                             Who Is Kimberly Cheatle? Secret Service ...

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned Tuesday after the agency came under harsh scrutiny for its failure to stop a would-be assassin from wounding former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally, according to media reports.

The agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Secret Service, which is responsible for the protection of current and former U.S. presidents, faces a crisis after a gunman was able to fire on Trump from a roof overlooking the outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

Lawmakers blast Secret Service chief over her testimony spilling to reporters before Hill appearance
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns over Trump shooting outrage
Trump Treated ‘Differently’ by Secret Service
Sen. Hawley: DHS Must Answer Whistleblower Roof Claims
Secret Service Chief: Trump Shooting a Major 'Failure
Independent Panel to Review Trump Assassination Attempt
Trump Received No Warnings of Assassination Threat
Trump's GoFundMe Raises $6M+ for Rally Shooting Victims
Secret Service First Denied Security at Barron's Graduation video

Johnson, Jeffries announce bipartisan House task force to investigate attempted Trump assassination

                                        Johnson's Foreign-Aid Plan Relies on ...

House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries formally announced on Tuesday plans for a bipartisan task force to investigate the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump that the House will vote on this week.

Mr. Johnson teased his plans for the panel last week, but Mr. Jeffries’ participation in the formal announcement signals that both parties are involved.

The decision to add 13 members to the panel is a slight change from the original resolution released Sunday that would have authorized up to 11 members to be appointed to the panel.

Kamala Harris Campaign Raises More Than $100 Million

                                             Vice President Kamala Harris comes to ...

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign raised more than $100 million between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening, The Hill reported Tuesday, without naming its sources.

More than 1.1 million individual donors contributed to the campaign, the report said.

"Over the next few months, I will be traveling across the country talking to Americans about everything that is on the line," Harris said in a statement after clinching the nomination with the pledges from President Joe Biden's delegates. "I fully intend to unite our party, unite our nation, and defeat Donald Trump in November."

VP Harris' Prosecutorial Record Mixed on Crime, Justice
Harris Secures Delegates for Nomination, to Campaign in Wisconsin

Trump wants ‘many’ debates with Harris, but not with ABC News as host

Former President Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, said he is looking forward to many debates with Vice President Kamala Harris, who has become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

However, Mr. Trump appeared to count out ABC News, which is slated to host the next debate on Sept. 10. He is pushing instead for Fox News to host it.

“ABC Fake News is such a joke, among the absolute WORST in the business. They try to make Crooked Joe into a brave warrior because he didn’t have the ‘guts’ to fight it out — He quit! They then tried to make ‘Sleepy’ look like a great President - he was the WORST, and Lyin’ Kamala into a competent person, which she is not,” Mr. Trump said in a Truth Social post.

“ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, is not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many! MAGA2024,” Mr. Trump said.

U.S. would defeat China in a war over Taiwan, Joints Chiefs head says

Brown says military ready to respond to any takeover attempt by Beijing
                                               Senate confirms Air Force Gen. Charles ...

A version of this story appeared in the daily Threat Status newsletter from The Washington Times. Click here to receive Threat Status delivered directly to your inbox each weekday.

The U.S. fields the most powerful army in the world and would defeat China if war breaks out over Taiwan, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, who became the president’s most senior military adviser on Oct. 1, said a conflict with China is neither imminent nor inevitable, but that the U.S. military must be ready if war breaks out.

Asked if the United States could defeat China in a conflict, Gen. Brown said: “Yes, I’m fully confident in our force.”

Netanyahu Seeks Support in U.S. Visit, but Will Find a Nation Distracted

                                      Capitol hunkers down ahead of Netanyahu ...

With his visit to Washington this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel will step away from one political maelstrom and into another.

He is facing anger at home over the prolonged war in Gaza and failure to bring home the hostages held in the enclave. Washington is divided over Israel’s conduct of the war and treatment of the Palestinians.

But now, the U.S. government and the entire country is preoccupied by the political upheaval surrounding President Biden’s withdrawal over the weekend from the presidential race.

White House, Democrats dig in against calls for Biden to resign

White House officials and Democratic lawmakers rebuffed calls Monday for President Biden to resign because of doubts about his ability to serve as commander in chief after he bowed out of his reelection campaign.

As they defended the president, who has remained out of sight since a COVID-19 diagnosis last week, Rep. Lauren Boebert raised the stakes.

Mr. Biden, 81, quit his reelection bid Sunday and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place on the ticket, but he did not respond to the proof-of-life challenge. He called in to his former campaign headquarters on Monday and thanked the staffers.

DOJ Now Finds Biden-Biographer Transcripts After Denying Existence

The Justice Department informed a federal judge it had located a partial transcript of President Joe Biden's interviews with his ghostwriter.

The DOJ previously denied it had the transcript, which played a role in special counsel Robert Hur's recently completed criminal investigation into Biden's handling of classified material.

In a court filing late Monday, DOJ attorneys told a federal judge that transcripts of Biden's interviews with Mark Zwonitzer had been located, Politico reported.

The filing came one day after Biden announced he was ending his reelection bid.

Secret Service’s incompetence a secret no more

The July 13 attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania was a complete law enforcement failure, made more profound by the amateurism of the assailant. It revealed perhaps the biggest “secret” of the Secret Service: Our nation’s top executive protection agency is hindered by the same bureaucratic rot that has long infected our government — and threatens to destroy our freedom, one catastrophic failure after another.

Had the gunman been a mysterious traveler from two states away, cloaked in espionage and intrigue, we might believe that such a glaring error was the product of a conspiracy — culminating in the death of the sniper to hide his connection to said conspiracy.

Instead, we got a troubled young man strolling by the most elite security protection in the world, seemingly exclaiming, “Look at me, I am here to shoot the president!” In a tidal wave of negligence that can only be described as more ordinary than anyone would have hoped, this misfit nearly pulled off the crime of the century.

The assassination of a former president and current presidential candidate would not have been just an ordinary murder but rather a catastrophic political and economic disruption to the free world — simply unthinkable.

Biden bows out — and so the gaslighting begins

Rachel Maddow said during her recent MSNBC broadcast about Joe Biden’s departure from the 2024 White House race that this president, this man, this larger-than-life gift to humanity is a “patriot,” a “selfless” devotee to country, a “phenomenal” leader, and a “decent and civil and honorable” individual.

Let the gaslighting games begin!

Biden, one of America’s worst presidents, has suddenly, overnight, in a blink of an eye, become the be-all and end-all of all of America’s best presidents. Why? How so? Here’s why; here’s how: Because he finally set aside his peevish, petty nature to acknowledge what we on the sane side of life all knew to be true from Day One of his administration — that is, that he’s utterly incompetent and unfit for the high office.

Of course, he didn’t say it that way.

From the Archive....

                 By Geoff Metcalf
                 July 29, 2002

            Two mutually exclusive and under reported stories have been troubling me.

               *   The apparent penchant for political operatives to leak classified information that jeopardizes national security.
               *   The generational control of information dissemination by powerful controllers.

            So we have another ‘Catch-22’.

            The complicity of the mainstream media to spin, cover, and obfuscate government abuse of power under the color of authority was not unique to the Clinton administration.  It may have been more ubiquitous, and at times even clumsy, but it was not unique.

            It has been reported that in June 1991 David Rockefeller allegedly told a Bilderberg meeting in Baden Baden German, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." He went on to explain: "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

            Some argue that quote is apocryphal urban legend.  However, although I have never been able to find three corroborating independent sources for it, it IS consistent in content and tone with other Bilderberg quotes I HAVE been able to confirm.

            “If we had been subjected to the light of publicity….” Indicates the one world, globalist, wannabe controllers were/are successful in managing the message.

            Operation ‘Mockingbird’ was a program supposedly conceived by a brilliant Machiavellian State Department official, Frank Wisner.  Wisner selected Philip Graham, then publisher of the Washington Post to manage the program.  According to Deborah Davis, author of ‘Katharine the Great’, "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles, plus stringers, four to six hundred in all, according to a former CIA analyst."

            Over twenty five major newspapers and wire services became willing house organs for the CIA media manipulation.

            Investigators digging into MOCKINGBIRD have been flabbergasted to discover FOIA documents in which agents boast (in CIA office memos) of  pride in having placed "important assets" inside every major news publication in the country.

            I know, this is the stuff of Ludlum novels conspiracy wackos, but not until 1982 did the ‘Company’ finally concede that reporters on the CIA payroll have been case officers to field agents.

            I have too often observed, “Some people don’t like to be confused with facts that contradict their preconceived opinions.”  I have also noted (and struggle to maintain) “It is not WHO is right or wrong…but WHAT is right or wrong.”

            Anyone with almost ‘any’ military experience has no doubt seen the once ubiquitous posters cautioning “Loose Lips Sink Ships”.  It is a left over phrase from WWII and among “lessons learned”.

            In the complex world of intelligence loose lips can and have cost lives.

            Once upon a time, not so long ago, Senator Patrick Leahy (currently the Senate Judiciary committee’s lead obstructionist) used to be the Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the mid 80s.  Leahy allegedly ‘inadvertently’ exposed a top-secret intercept of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak that led to the capture of the Achille Lauro terrorists.  That supposed slip of the tongue “cost the life of at least one Egyptian operative.” http://www.newsmax.com/showinside.shtml?a=2001/1/31/85757

            Loose Lip Leahy was forced to resign in disgrace 14 years ago in the wake of having to acknowledge he leaked secret intelligence to the press.   However today he lords his power over the Senate Judiciary committee.  Congress’ institutional memory must be as short as some of Jennifer Flowers former paramours.

            In our contemporary environment in which whistleblowers have become in many cases heroes it is important to make the distinctions between the appropriateness of corporate and political whistleblowers and the idiot or miscreant who leaks information with genuine national security implications.

            Currently the FBI is investigating national security leaks from specifically the House and Senate Select Intelligence committees.  This is serious stuff.

            Defenders of the indefensible will argue it is a political witch-hunt by politicians in a heavy C.Y.A. mode.  That is not true but a convenient political spin job.

            Sure it is true the white house is p.o.-ed over media reports that the National Security Agency had received but not acted on two early warning messages to 9/11.  Dick Cheney reportedly went ballistic and ripped congressional leaders.  Both House and Senate Select Intelligence committees asked the Attorney General to conduct an investigation (and no doubt quietly prayed it would be botched).

            Justice said in a statement, “…the appropriate department officials will expeditiously review this matter and take any appropriate action.”  Not if congress has anything to say about it.  Don’t expect anything fast.  Remember Leahy resigned in disgrace 14 years ago and today has the chutzpah to pontificate ad nauseum to the Judiciary committee and stall any and all Bush judicial appointments.

            More on Operation Mockingbird http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/